Monday, February 21, 2011

Law and Order: February 21

Should corporations be allowed to impose limitations on liberties?

I think that corporations should be limited on the amount of limitations they can impose on the liberties of their workers. Corporations are institutions that look out solely for their own good. It is in their best interest to make as much money as they possibly can. One of the ways that this is accomplished is by limiting how much they help their workers.

While the issue of discrimination of smoking is quite sticky, consider a person looking for a job who previously had an illness such as cancer. For the purpose of my argument, this person fought and beat their cancer, is currently in good health, is without a job, and is attempting to work to pay off their medical bills. Unfortunately, there is a chance that the cancer could come back. Many companies look into this person's medical background and refuse to hire them because of the potential of having to cover their medical insurance. Sadly, this happened to a family friend. She was unable to find work based off of her previous battle with cancer. Luckily, her husband was employed and the family was able to cover the bills. The point of the story is that the businesses used her medical background as discrimination to not hire her. I think that this is a perfect example of why corporations should be limited on the amount of limitations they can impose.

Since corporations are such a large part of America and the economy, they have a responsibility to help society. Part of helping society is looking out for the interests of their workers. Discriminating against workers and imposing limitations on liberties on everyday life should be limited. If these limitations aren't restricted, then the corporations can't be held accountable for helping society. I'm not saying that the corporations should have to put the rest of society and their workers above all interests of the corporation, but they should be held responsible for not taking advantage of those they employ and not discriminating against those looking for work.

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