Monday, February 21, 2011

An Corporation's Power to Limit Liberties

This is a very controversial issue. Corporations should not be able to be as intrusive as a government entity on an individual’s liberties. I do believe that a corporation may be able to enact some limitations on liberties, if they have to do with its sector of business. For example, I feel that health organizations have some merit to ban smoking. Their employees are working towards a common goal to maintain and improve the health of its patrons. Smoking is a known major cause of preventable death, which blatantly goes against this common goal.

In the case of an establishment such as a sports venue, I feel that this business should not be allowed to restrict smoking. The addiction has nothing to do with the common goal of the establishment, which would be to provide entertainment through hosting sports events.

In the case of the other examples presented in the article, such as banning potential employees who are obese, or consume fast food, I believe that a corporation would be going to far. Obesity can be caused by various factors, which may include genetics, poor diet, lack of physical activity, etc. It can be hard to pinpoint what exactly causes it, therefore, making it an unfair basis for termination, or lack of hiring.

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