Monday, January 24, 2011

Ethics in Law & Order: January 19

1. First, how realistic was the episode, based on what you know of real legal processes?
- I thought this episode was extremely unrealistic when it comes to real legal processes. While the general format of the legal proceedings seemed to be on target, the details of the way in which these proceedings were carried out was not realistic. For example, the detectives in this episode got extremely emotionally involved with the victims and made house calls, whereas in reality they would remain more detached. Also, the way in which they used the little boy to capture the bigger criminal would never have happened in real life. They wouldn't have wanted to risk putting a child's mental and physical health in danger. Another aspect of this episode that was unrealistic was the way in which the mother got out of jail so quickly for stabbing the man that was head of the club. Instead of having to go to court over it, the detectives acted like everything would blow over once the leader was arrested. Lastly, the entire legal process took place over a few days, when in reality it could have taken months or even years to finalize. Although the episode was entertaining, it did not realistically portray real legal processes.

2. How effective was it? (To answer this part of the question, you'll first have to identify a goal, again, based on what you know of it rather than research, then evaluate how well it achieves the goal).
- Although this episode was not necessarily successful in portraying real legal processes, it was effective in achieving the main goal of being entertaining to the audience. The concessions to reality add to the show's effectiveness because it keeps the audience entertained. For example, the over-dramatized fight scene with the mothers, the extra aggression of the detectives, and the speedy trial process all serve to keep the audience actively entertained with the story. If the show were to strictly portray a real legal proceeding, the audience would get bored very quickly, and the story would never be resolved in the 1-hour allotted time.

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